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Imports menu

The Imports menu provides quick access to external match files which have been included as imports from one or more files in the active folder.

Imports menu

For example, the files ara.yml, chi.yml and spa.yml will be added to the Imports menu from a YML file in the active folder containing the following section:

- C:\Users\Cam\AppData\Roaming\espanso\imports\ara.yml
- ..\imports\chi.yml
- "..\\imports\\spa.yml"

Note that files will be included from both absolute and relative file paths.

Browse imported matches

If external match files have been included as imports from one or more files in the active folder, a menu item will be visible to Browse imported matches. This item brings up the dialog with imported matches, which shows matches grouped by import file. Double-clicking any of the listed matches will open the containing file in the editor with the relevant trigger highlighted. For matches with a label, the label is shown underneath the trigger and is also clickable in order to open the containing file. Both triggers and labels can be found from the incremental search box at the top of the dialog.

Imported matches dialog