The cookbook includes a wide range of examples of Espanso matches, all of which can be copied or adapted. It contains over 170 matches, which range from simple to advanced. Some of the matches have been adapted from examples found online. I have included links to the original source, which usually include a relevant discussion thread.
The contents of the EspansoEdit cookbook have been reproduced online here in response to requests from Espanso users on macOS who are unable to run EspansoEdit. The code blocks are rendered with Shiki based on a YAML language grammar. This does not provide the full range of Espanso-specific highlighting that is shown in EspansoEdit.
Espanso essentials
1.1 Basic examples
1.2 Regex triggers
1.3 Tips and tricks -
2.1 Choice
2.2 Date and time
2.3 Forms -
Web related
3.1 Email
3.2 HTML and Markdown
3.3 Outlook -
Script and Shell
4.1 PowerShell inline
4.2 PowerShell anchors
4.3 CMD batch files
1. Espanso essentials
1.1 Basic examples
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 1.1 Basic examples
# Personal
- trigger: ':fn' replace: 'forename middlename surname'
- trigger: ':adr' replace: 'address'
- trigger: ':eml' # Use a word trigger as the next trigger starts with the same letters replace: 'email address' word: true
- trigger: ':emla' replace: 'email address alternate'
# The next 2 matches illustrate use of a trailing space in a trigger# The trailing space in the first trigger is used as an alternative to a word trigger# The advantage is that a space is not added to the replacement text
- trigger: ':job ' replace: 'my role'
- trigger: ':job2' replace: my other role
# Multiple triggers can be used to expand a match
- triggers: [':mob', ':cell'] replace: 'mobile phone number'
# Search engine queries
- trigger: ':ddg' replace: ''
- trigger: ':ggl' replace: ''
- triggers: ':wiki' replace: ''
- trigger: ":yt" # Insert clipboard content as query term replace:{{clipb}}' vars: [{ name: "clipb", type: "clipboard"}]
# Miscellaneous
- trigger: ':ax' # Enter :ax to expand in lower case and :AX to expand in capitals replace: 'anaphylaxis' propagate_case: true word: true
- trigger: "committment" # A match to correct a word that you sometimes misspell replace: "commitment"
- trigger: ":ss1" # A match to insert superscript number replace: "�"
- trigger: ":gcm" replace: "git commit -m \"$|$\" - {{dat}}" vars: - name: dat type: date params: format: "%y%m%d @ %H:%M"
- trigger: ':gom' replace: 'git push origin main'
- trigger: ':gmo' replace: 'git pull origin main'
- trigger: ':ip' replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: shell params: cmd: "curl ''"
- trigger: ':ecb' # Insert clipboard text enclosed in braces replace: '{{{{clipb}}}}' vars: [{ name: "clipb", type: "clipboard"}]
- trigger: ':ecdq' # Insert clipboard text enclosed in double quotes replace: '"{{clipb}}"' vars: [{ name: "clipb", type: "clipboard"}]
- trigger: ':ecpar' # Insert clipboard text enclosed in parentheses replace: '({{clipb}})' vars: [{ name: "clipb", type: "clipboard"}]
- trigger: ':ecsb' # Insert clipboard text enclosed in square brackets replace: "[{{clipb}}]" vars: [{ name: "clipb", type: "clipboard"}]
- trigger: ':ecsq' # Insert clipboard text enclose in single quotes replace: "'{{clipb}}'" vars: [{ name: "clipb", type: "clipboard"}]
# Text emojis adapted from
- trigger: ':hbd' # Happy birthday text emoji replace: "\u12DE\u13DC\u2118\u2118\u13BD \u212C\u2139\u211B\u0288\u12DE\u15EC\u13DC\u13BD"
- trigger: ':hpy' # Happy square text emoji replace: "\u3010\u30C4\u3011"
- trigger: ':luv' # Love eyes text emoji replace: "\u2665_\u2665"
- trigger: ':shm' # Shoot me text emoji replace: "\u291C(*\uFE4F*)\u290F"
- trigger: ':wfh' # Working from home text emoji replace: "\U0001F3E0 \u03C9\u03BF\u044F\u03BA\u03B9\u03B7g \u0192\u044F\u03BF\u043C\u043D\u03BF\u043C\u03B5"
- trigger: ':weather' replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: shell params: cmd: "curl ''"
1.2 Regex triggers
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 1.2 Regex triggers
# NB A Regex trigger cannot exceed 30 characters in length
- regex: :(?P<greet>(?i)h)(?P<beaut>(?i)b)(?P<globe>(?i)w)(?P<end>\W) # Use Regex to selectively capitalise any or all words in a phrase # For example :hBW expands to hello Beautiful World replace: '{{greet}}ello {{beaut}}eautiful {{globe}}orld{{end}}'
- regex: "(?P<month>\\d{2})/(?P<day>\\d{2})/(?P<year>\\d{2})" # Enter trigger of type 24/11/24 replace: "Date: {{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}"
- regex: "(?P<user>[a-z0-9._%+-]+)@(?P<domain>[a-z0-9.-]+)\\.(?P<tld>[a-z.]{5,})" # Enter trigger of type replace: "User: {{user}}\nDomain: {{domain}}\nTLD: {{tld}}"
- regex: "class-(?P<cat>[a-z]+)-(?P<typ>[a-z]+)-(?P<dat>\\d+)" # Enter trigger of type class-fiction-romantic-2023 replace: "Classification category: {{cat}}; type: {{typ}}; year: {{dat}}"
- regex: :hor(?P<hor>\d+)ver(?P<ver>\d+)\D # Enter trigger of type :hor10ver20 # \D looks for any non-digit character to terminate the string replace: 'Length of horizontal axis = {{hor}} cm; length of vertical axis = {{ver}} cm'
- regex: (?P<word>\S+)\s+(?P<punct>[.,;:!?]) # Removes spaces between a word and a punctuation sign # From replace: "{{word}}{{punct}} "
- regex: "vbl\\((?P<vbl>.*?)\\)" # Enter trigger of type vbl(xyz) followed by space replace: "This example uses variable type {{vbl}}." word: true
- regex: :04(?P<gp1>\d{2})(?P<gp2>\d{3})(?P<gp3>\d{3}) # Reformat an Australian mobile number with trigger of type :0444444444 replace: "04{{gp1}} {{gp2}} {{gp3}}"
- regex: :hor(?P<hor>\d+)ver(?P<ver>\d+)\D # Enter trigger of type :hor10ver20 # \D looks for any non-digit character to terminate the string replace: 'Length of horizontal axis = {{hor}} cm; length of vertical axis = {{ver}} cm'
- regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*usd" # US Dollar # Enter trigger of type :33usd # From replace: "${{num}}" - regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*euro" # Euro replace: "{{num}}€" - regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*ukp" # British Pound replace: "£{{num}}" - regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*yen" # Japanese Yen replace: "{{num}}¥" - regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*inr" # Indian Rupee replace: "{{num}}?" - regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*swf" # Swiss Franc replace: "{{num}} CHF" - regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*aud" # Australian Dollar replace: "AU${{num}}" - regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*cad" # Canadian Dollar replace: "CA${{num}}" - regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*hkd" # Hong Kong Dollar replace: "HK${{num}}" - regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*nzd" # New Zealand Dollar replace: "NZ${{num}}" - regex: ":(?P<num>\\d*)\\s*won" # South Korean Won replace: "{{num}}₩"
1.3 Tips and tricks
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 1.3 Tips and tricks
# To prevent a trigger from expanding press the right arrow key after the first character# The cursor will not move and the trigger can then be entered without expanding# Tip source:
- {trigger: abc, replace: def, word: true} # A match can be entered on a single line using YAML flow style
- trigger: ':chompc' comment: | Use YAML clip chomp modifier + to insert one newline after a block scalar This is the Espanso default chomp modifier replace: | This text will insert with a single trailing newline
- trigger: ':chompk' comment: 'Use YAML keep chomp modifier + to retain trailing newlines after a block scalar' replace: |+ This text will insert with an extra trailing newline
- trigger: ':chomps' comment: 'Use YAML strip chomp modifier - to strip trailing newlines after a block scalar' replace: |- This text will insert without a trailing newline
- trigger: ':' # Use backslash to include a special characters inside a double quoted string replace: "There are \"known unknowns.\""
- trigger: ':tgr' # A trigger to insert a trigger template with cursor after the trigger key replace: " - trigger: $|$\n replace: "
- trigger: ':tgrw' # A trigger to insert a word trigger template with cursor after the trigger key replace: " - trigger: $|$\n replace:\n word: true"
- trigger: ':ttxt1' # Comments below the trigger will fold correctly with EspansoEdit code folding replace: 'rtxt1'
- trigger: ':ttxt2' # Comments on the same line as the trigger also fold correctly replace: 'rtxt2'
- trigger: ':ttxt3' replace: 'rtxt3'
# Comments above the trigger will fold with the previous trigger - trigger: ':ttxt4' replace: 'rtxt4'
- trigger: ":dblbr" comment: | Match to show how to use replacement text in double braces See also replace: "{{var}}" comment: | Multiple comments can be added to a match as YAML scalars EspansoEdit wil highlight keyword comment or comments vars: - name: var type: echo inject_vars: false params: echo: 'Person: {{name}}; height: {{cm}} cm' comment: A comment can be added at any indent level
- trigger: ":smile" # A match to insert an emoji using Unicode replace: '\U0001F603'
- trigger: ':iata' # Labels can be used to create a menu of choices in the Espanso search bar replace: LHR (London Heathrow Airport) label: 1. London Heathrow
- trigger: ':iata' replace: SYD (Sydney Kingsford-Smith Airport) label: 2. Sydney Kingsford-Smith
- trigger: ':iata' replace: SIN (Singapore Changi Airport) label: 3. Singapore Changi
- trigger: ':gcb' # There is currently a bug in the Mac and Windows versions of the Espanso clipboard extension # Clipboard content is truncated after 2048 characters in output and in the clipboard itself # More detail is available at: # It is possible to work around the problem with PowerShell replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: output type: script params: args: [C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe, -Command, Get-Clipboard]
# The next 2 matches illustrate use of a trailing space in a trigger# The trailing space in the first trigger is used as an alternative to creating a word trigger
- trigger: ':this ' replace: something
- trigger: ':thisandthat' replace: something else
2. Extensions
2.1 Choice
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 2.1 Choice extension
# The global_vars section can be added to any YML file(s)# Variables in this section are available globallyglobal_vars:
- name: genre type: echo params: echo: | Animation Biography Musical
- trigger: ":film" form: | [[choices]] form_fields: choices: type: choice values: "{{genre}}"
- trigger: :em # Match to illustrate use of choice extension with IDs # From smeech at replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: output type: choice params: values: - label: 1. Gmail id: - label: 2. Outlook id:
- trigger: ':quote' # Example of use of choice extension replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: choice params: values: - 'Every moment is a fresh beginning.' - 'Everything you can imagine is real.' - 'Whatever you do, do it well.'
- trigger: :cb3 replace: "First choice:{{output1}}; second choice:{{output2}}; third choice: {{output3}}" vars: - name: output1 type: choice params: values: [a, b, c] - name: output2 type: choice params: values: [d, e, f] - name: output3 type: choice params: values: [g, h, i]
- trigger: ':f1' html: | You voted <span style='color: #318CE7; text-transform:uppercase'> {{}}</span><br>Thanks for your vote! vars: - name: 'form1' type: form params: layout: 'Your choice: [[vote]]' fields: vote: type: list values: - Yes - No - Other
- trigger: ':f3' form: | [[choices]] form_fields: choices: type: list values: - Yes - No - Other
- trigger: :lipsum # Match to illustrate use of choice extension when some options are multiline replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: choice params: values: - 'lorem' - > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. - 'ipsum' - > Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
2.2 Date and time
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 2.2 Date and time
- trigger: ':dat' replace: '{{mydate}}' vars: - name: mydate type: date params: format: '%d/%m/%y'
- trigger: ':datmod' # Match to show use of modifiers to suppress default 2-digit padding # Insert - as modifier to give hour as %-l and day number as %-e replace: '{{datemod}}' vars: - name: datemod type: date params: format: '%-l:%M %p on %b %-e %Y'
- trigger: ':tim' replace: '{{time}}' vars: - name: time type: date params: format: '%H:%M'
- trigger: ':now' replace: "It is now {{mytime}}" vars: - name: mytime type: date params: format: '%H.%M'
- trigger: ':tdf' replace: '{{today}}' label: 'Date today forwards' vars: - name: today type: date params: format: '%-e/%-m/%y'
- trigger: ':tdb' replace: '{{today}}' label: 'Date today backwards' vars: - name: today type: date params: format: '%y%m%d'
- trigger: ":tdau" replace: "{{mydate}}" label: 'Date today in Australian format dd/mm/YYYY' vars: - name: mydate type: date params: format: '%x' locale: 'en-AU'
- trigger: ':tdx' replace: '{{today}}' label: 'Date today forwards expanded' vars: - name: today type: date params: format: '%a %-e %b %Y'
- trigger: ":tdto" # Expanded example: 2024-11-14 17:23:55 UTC+11:00 replace: "{{mydate}}" label: 'Date and time with timezone offset' vars: - name: mydate type: date params: format: "%F %T UTC%:z"
- trigger: ':tmw' replace: 'tomorrow' word: true
- trigger: ':tmwf' replace: '{{mytime}}' vars: - name: mytime type: date params: format: '%x' offset: 86400 # The offset parameter must be specified in seconds
- trigger: ':yd' replace: 'yesterday' word: true
- trigger: ':ydf' replace: '{{mytime}}' vars: - name: mytime type: date params: format: '%x' offset: -86400
- trigger: :tdsel # Date selector from replace: "{{Output.Date}}" vars: - {name: Day, type: date, params: {format: '%d'}} - {name: Month, type: date, params: {format: '%m'}} - {name: Year2, type: date, params: {format: '%y'}} - {name: Year4, type: date, params: {format: '%Y'}} - {name: Another, type: date, params: {format: '%A, %B %d, %Y'}} - name: Output type: form params: layout: '[[Date]]' fields: Date: type: list values: - '{{Day}}/{{Month}}/{{Year2}}' - '{{Day}}-{{Month}}-{{Year2}}' - '{{Day}}/{{Month}}/{{Year4}}' - '{{Another}}'
- trigger: ':datcap' replace: "{{output}}" comment: 'Powershell script to get today in format 01FEB25' vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | "$((Get-Date).ToString('ddMMMyy').ToUpper())"
- regex: (?P<offset>[+-]\d+)(?P<unit>[dwmy]) # Run PowerShell script to perform date arithmetic # Includes form for selection of date format # Regex trigger responds to keyboard entries such as -70d or +12w # Adapted from replace: '{{output}}' label: Date arithmetic with extended format choice vars: - name: format type: choice params: values: - label: Format like Thu 27 Feb 2025 id: 'ddd d MMM yyyy' - label: Format like 27 Feb 2025 id: 'd MMM yyyy' - label: Format like 27/12/25 id: 'dd/MM/yy' - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | $OutputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 $format = "{{format}}" $culture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CreateSpecificCulture("en-AU") switch ("{{unit}}") { "d" { $date = (Get-Date).AddDays({{offset}}).ToString($format, $culture) } "w" { $date = (Get-Date).AddDays({{offset}} * 7).ToString($format, $culture) } "m" { $date = (Get-Date).AddMonths({{offset}}).ToString($format, $culture) } "y" { $date = (Get-Date).AddYears({{offset}}).ToString($format, $culture) } } Write-Output $date
- trigger: ':tzdat' # Powershell script to get date and time for selected timezone # Adapted from Python code at replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: zones type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones() | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_.Id } - name: zonepick type: form params: layout: 'Pick a time-zone: [[zone]]' fields: zone: type: list values: '{{zones}}' default: AUS Eastern Standard Time - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | $tzId = "{{}}" $tzSysTime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($tzId) $utcTime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() $tzUniTime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($utcTime, $tzSysTime) Write-Output "{{}}: $($tzUniTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss tt"))"
- regex: :mdy(?P<wk>\d{1,2})/(?P<yr>\d{2}) # PowerShell script to get date of Monday for a given week number and year # Regex trigger responds to keyboard entries such as :mdy10/25 replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | [Globalization.ISOWeek]::ToDateTime({{yr}}, {{wk}}, 'Monday').ToString('ddd dd/MM/yy')
2.3 Forms
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 2.3 Forms
- trigger: ":greet" form: | Hi. My name is [[name]] and my email address is [[email]]. Please send me a message if you need any further details.
- trigger: :mvt # Set the default to the last item to force the drop-down box to show all items without a scrollbar form: "[[arrows]]" form_fields: arrows: type: choice values: - "\u2190" - "\u2191" - "\u2192" - "\u2193" - "\u2194" - "\u2195" - "\u2196" - "\u2197" - "\u2198" - "\u2199" default: "\u2199"
- trigger: ':rdt' # Example of a form trigger with a dropdown field and a free text field # Selection of the top (blank) item in the dropdown omits the subreddit form: '[[subreddit]]/search?q=[[query]]' form_fields: subreddit: type: choice values: - "" - "/r/espanso" - "/r/delphi" default: "/r/espanso"
- trigger: ':f2' markdown: | **{{}}** vars: - name: 'form1' type: form params: layout: '[[vote]]' fields: vote: type: list values: - 1 - Yes - 2 - No - 3 - Other
- trigger: ':fmix' # Example of a form trigger that combines a text field with a list field replace: | Name: {{}} Gender: {{form1.gender}} vars: - name: 'form1' type: form params: layout: | What is your name?: [[name]] What is your gender?: [[gender]] fields: gender: type: list values: - Male - Female - Other
- trigger: ":fprompt" # Include prompt text in multiline text boxes # Adapted from: form: | What is your issue? [[text1]] What are your contact details? [[text2]] form_fields: text1: type: textarea default: | Add details of your issue here Add contact details below multiline: true text2: type: textarea default: | Add your best contact here Add issue details above multiline: true
- trigger: ":outflow" # Example of a form trigger that wraps outputs with a folded text scalar # To make the form easy to read and edit the layout uses a literal block scalar replace: > The first item was depicted in {{form1.color1}}; the second item was depicted in {{form1.color2}}; the third item was depicted in {{form1.color3}};. vars: - name: "form1" type: form params: layout: | The first item was depicted in [[color1]]; the second item was depicted in [[color2]]; the third item was depicted in [[color3]].
- trigger: :snip # Match to add variable names from a form to a code snippet # Next line may not be required depending on your setup force_mode: clipboard replace: | private void OnEnable() { {{fm.EventHandler}} += {{fm.OnEvent}}; } vars: - name: fm type: form params: layout: | Name of EventHandler: [[EventHandler]] Name of OnEvent: [[OnEvent]]
- trigger: ':bing' replace: '{{}}{{}}{{fm.fs}}{{fm.ft}}{{fm.wl}}{{fm.tx}}' vars: - name: fm type: form params: layout: | Submit ONE of the following options for Bing search Topic - e.g. espanso [[to]] Topic by country - e.g. espanso loc:uk [[cc]] Files of type on site - e.g. contains:pdf [[fs]] Files of type on topic - e.g espanso contains:pdf [[ft]] Weather at location - e.g. weather seoul [[wl]] Topic but exclude keyword - e.g. face NOT facebook [[tx]]
3. Web related
3.1 Email
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 3.1 Email
- regex: ':em(;|a)' # Enter :em; to display a menu of email addresses in the Espanso search bar # Or enter a trigger such as :ema to expand a single email address directly replace: ''
- regex: ':em(;|b)' replace: ''
- regex: ':em(;|c)' replace: ''
- trigger: ':sig' replace: | My name My personal blog: _.~"~._.~"~._.~"~._.~"~._ word: true
- trigger: ':sig2' # Signature from image file image_path: '$CONFIG/img/signature.png'
- trigger: ':soc' replace: "Twitter: @mydomain\nFacebook:\nLinkedIn:"
3.2 HTML and Markdown
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 3.2 HTML and Markdown
- trigger: ':bold' replace: '<b>$|$</b>'
- trigger: ':br' replace: '<br />'
- trigger: ':div' replace: '<div>$|$</div>'
- trigger: ':fraction' replace: '<sup>$|$</sup>⁄<sub></sub>'
- trigger: ':h1' replace: '<h1>$|$</h1>'
- trigger: ':h2' replace: '<h2>$|$</h2>'
- trigger: ':h3' replace: '<h3>$|$</h3>'
- trigger: ':hr' replace: '<hr />'
- trigger: ':img' replace: "<img src=\"$|$\" alt=\"\" />"
- trigger: ":link" # Create HTML link using URL from clipboard replace: "<a href=\"{{clipb}}\" />$|$</a>" vars: - name: "clipb" type: "clipboard"
- trigger: ':list' replace: "<ol>\n <li>$|$"
- trigger: ':para' replace: '<p>$|$</p>'
- trigger: ':span' replace: '<span>$|$</span>'
- trigger: ':sub' replace: '<sub>$|$</sub>' word: true
- trigger: ':subsml' replace: '<sub><small>$|$</small></sub>'
- trigger: ':sup' replace: '<sup>$|$</sup>' word: true
- trigger: 'supsml' replace: '<sup><small>$|$</small></sup>'
- trigger: ':ttlimg' replace: '<h1>Title</h1><p><img align="right" style="float" height="45px" href="#" src="#"></p>'
- trigger: ':hwmulti' html: | # Next line may be required with foreign language UTF-8 characters <meta charset="UTF-8"> <ul> <li>English: Hello, World!</li> <li>Japanese: ????????!</li> <li>Russian: ??????, ???!</li> <li>Arabic: ????? ???????!</li> <li>Chinese: ??,??!</li> <li>Hindi: ??????, ??????!</li> </ul>
- trigger: ':mdcb' # Insert a Markdown code block replace: "```\n$|$\n```"
- trigger: ':mdexp' # Markdown expandable/collapsible section # Cursor positioned for heading; add content below replace: "<details>\n<summary>$|$</summary>\n<p></p>\n</details>"
- trigger: ':mdimg' # Insert a Markdown image link replace: '[$|$]()'
- trigger: ':mdlnk' # Create Markdown link using URL from clipboard replace: "[$|$]({{clipb}})" vars: - name: "clipb" type: "clipboard"
- trigger: ':mdformlnk' # Create Markdown link from form input replace: '[{{form1.title}}]({{}})' vars: - name: form1 type: form params: layout: | Title:[[title]] URL:[[link]]
- trigger: ':mdtbl' # Create a two column table replace: | | {{frm.hdr1}} | {{frm.hdr2}} | | --- | --- | vars: - name: 'frm' type: form params: layout: | Column1 header: [[hdr1]] Column2 header: [[hdr2]]
- regex: ':ml(?P<page>.*?):' # Create Markdown link to page on your domain # Enter trigger of type :mlpage: replace: "[{{page}}]({{page}})"
- regex: code:(?P<lang>.*)\s # Convert a copied code block into a Markdown code block with syntax highlighting # Enter trigger code:{lang} to specify the relevant code language # For plain text enter trigger code: # Adapted from replace: |- ```{{lang}} {{clipb}} ``` vars: - name: "clipb" type: "clipboard"
- trigger: ":mfn" # Create a Markdown footnote # Adapted from replace: "[^{{form1.ref}}]\n\n[^{{form1.ref}}]: {{form1.def}}" vars: - name: "form1" type: form params: layout: | Footnote elements Reference identifier: [[ref]] Definition text: [[def]]
- trigger: ':md2txt' # Convert Markdown to plain text # Adapted from replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | # Function to convert Markdown to plain text function Convert-MarkdownToText { param ( [string]$markdown ) # Split the input into lines to process each line individually $lines = $markdown -split "`n" $inCodeBlock = $false $plainTextLines = $lines | ForEach-Object { # Toggle code block flag when encountering ``` lines if ($_ -match '^\s*```') { $inCodeBlock = -not $inCodeBlock # Skip the ``` lines themselves return } # Capture content without modification if in a code block if ($inCodeBlock) { return $_ } # Process each line for Markdown syntax if not in a code block $_ -replace '^\s*#{1,6}\s*(.+)$', '$1' | # Headers ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*', '$1' } | # Bold ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '\*([^\*]+)\*', '$1' } | # Italic ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '__(.+?)__', '$1' } | # Bold underline ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '_(.+?)_', '$1' } | # Italic underline ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '\[([^\]]+)\]\([^\)]+\)', '$1' } | # Links ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '!\[([^\]]*)\]\([^\)]+\)', '$1' } | # Images ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '`(.+?)`', '$1' } | # Inline code ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '``(.+?)``', '$1' } | # More inline code ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^\s*[-\*\+]\s+', '' } | # Unordered list markers ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^\s*\d+\.\s+', '' } | # Ordered list markers ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^\s*>\s+', '' } | # Blockquotes ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]', '$1' } # [[Text]] } # Join the processed lines back into a single string $plainText = ($plainTextLines -join "`n").Trim() return $plainText } # Convert input from Markdown to plain text $markdownText = Get-Clipboard $plainText = Convert-MarkdownToText -markdown $markdownText Write-Output $plainText
3.3 Outlook
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 3.3 Outlook
# Outlook search filter shortcuts
- regex: ':ol(;|b)' replace: 'body:' label: 'Outlook body'
- regex: ':ol(;|f)' replace: 'from:' label: 'Outlook from'
- regex: ':ol(;|ha)' replace: 'hasattachment:true' label: 'Outlook has attachment'
- regex: ':ol(;|hf)' replace: 'hasflag:true' label: 'Outlook has flag'
- regex: ':ol(;|s)' replace: 'subject:' label: 'Outlook subject'
- regex: ':ol(;|t)' replace: 'to:' label: 'Outlook to'
# Other Outlook shortcuts
- regex: ':ol(;|tf)' # Replace MyUserName with your actual username replace: '{{output}}' label: 'Open Outlook template folder' vars: - name: output type: shell params: cmd: "start \"C:\\Users\\MyUserName\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Templates\\\""
- trigger: ':olevent' # Run PowerShell script to add an Outlook event replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | # Adapted from $outlook = new-object -com outlook.application $CalItem = "1" $newAppt = $outlook.CreateItem($CalItem) $newAppt.Body = "Test text from EspansoEdit Cookbook using PowerShell" $newAppt.Subject = "Test event from EspansoEdit Cookbook" $DateString = Get-Date $newAppt.Start = $DateString $newAppt.AllDayEvent = 1 $newAppt.ReminderSet = 0 $newAppt.BusyStatus = 0 $newAppt.Save()
4. Script and Shell
4.1 PowerShell inline
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 4.1 PowerShell inline scripts
# There are additional PowerShell inline scripts in section 2.2 Date and time
- trigger: ':wex' # Run Windows Explorer replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - Start-Process -FilePath "c:\windows\explorer.exe"
- trigger: ':dato' # Output today's date in ordinal format Friday November 1st 2024 # Function adapted from: replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | function Get-DaySuffix { Param([System.DateTime]$date) switch ($date.Day) { {$_ -in 1,21,31} { 'st'} {$_ -in 2,22} { 'nd'} {$_ -in 3,23} { 'rd'} Default {'th'} } } $d = (Get-Date).AddDays(0) $ds = Get-DaySuffix $d "{0} {1:MMMM} {2}{3} {4}" -f $d.DayOfWeek, $d, $d.Day, $ds, $d.Year
- regex: (?P<count>[+]\d+)(?P<unit>[n]) # Output clipboard text n times with numbering # Trigger is of type +3n replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | $raw = Get-Clipboard 1..{{count}} | ForEach-Object {Write-Host "$raw" $_.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') -separator ''}
- trigger: ":e2new" # Use a form as a basic GUI to add a new match to a match file # Adapted from replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: 'form1' type: form params: layout: | Add a new match Trigger [[trig]] Replace [[repl]] Word [[word]] fields: word: type: list values: | true false default: 'false' - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | $trig = '{{form1.trig}}' $repl = "{{form1.repl}}" $word = "{{form1.word}}" "`n` - trigger: $trig`n` replace: $repl`n` word: $word" ` | Out-File -FilePath $env:APPDATA\\espanso\\match\\base.yml ` -Append -Encoding Utf8
- trigger: :getnum # Example of use of a trigger with Excel automation # A form is used to prompt for client name # The name is then matched in a spreadsheet and client file number is obtained replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: "form1" type: form params: layout: | Client name: [[cname]] - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | $raw = "{{form1.cname}}" $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open('c:\YourPath\YourSpreadsheet.xlsx') $WorkSheet = $Workbook.Sheets.Item(IndexOfYourWorksheet) $Found = $WorkSheet.Cells.Find($raw) # Next line applies if file number is in next column $FileNum = $WorkSheet.Cells($Found.Row, $Found.Column + 1) Write-Host "Client name:" $raw "; client file number:" $FileNum.Value()
- trigger: ':fillform' # Example of use of a trigger to tab between fields on a form replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("{BACKSPACE}{BACKSPACE}{BACKSPACE}A") Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("{TAB}") Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("B") Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("{TAB}") Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("C") Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("{TAB}")
- trigger: ':ee' # Example of use of a trigger to launch a program replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Users\Cam\AppData\Local\Programs\EspansoEdit\EspansoEdit.exe"
- trigger: ':ricb' # Example of using an Espanso form with a PowerShell script # A string contained in clipboard text is replaced with a new string # All instances of the old string are replaced with the new string replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: "fm" type: form params: layout: | Enter text to replace: [[old]] Enter text to insert: [[new]] - name: output type: script depends_on: [fm] params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | $raw = Get-Clipboard $out = $raw -replace "{{fm.old}}", "{{}}" Write-Output $out
- trigger: ':qcb' # Example of a trigger to prefix each line of clipboard text with > replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | $out = Get-Clipboard | ForEach {">" + $_} Write-Output $out
- trigger: ':ctime' replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: "fm" type: form params: layout: | Enter city to check time: [[city]] - name: output type: script depends_on: [fm] params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | $city = "{{}}" $timezoneOffsetSeconds = $response.timezone $utcTime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() $cityTime = $utcTime.AddSeconds($timezoneOffsetSeconds) $formattedCityTime = $cityTime.ToString("HH:mm tt") Write-Output "In $city it is $formattedCityTime"
- trigger: ':uec' # Match to encode URL with the URL taken from clipboard replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | $URL = Get-Clipboard [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($URL)
- trigger: ':udc' # Match to decode URL with the URL taken from clipboard replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | $URL = Get-Clipboard [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($URL)
# Use of this match will be tracked in stats.txt in the Espanso program folder # The count is updated across Espanso sessions - trigger: ':countme' replace: "Please count me{{output}}" vars: - name: output type: script params: args: - C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe - -Command - | if (-not (Test-Path ./stats.txt)) { $count = 1 ':countme - 1 - ' + (Get-Date) | Out-File -FilePath ./stats.txt } else { $matches = Select-String -Path ./stats.txt -Pattern ':countme - (\d+) -' $count = ($matches | ForEach-Object { [int]$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1 ':countme - ' + $count + ' - ' + (Get-Date) | Out-File -FilePath ./stats.txt -Append } ''
4.2 PowerShell anchors
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 4.2 Powershell anchor scripts
# These scripts make use of YAML anchors and aliases# The keywords anchors: and anchor: are arbitrary# It is essential to use & to denote an anchor and * to reference an anchor
- anchor: &crew1 | Name: John Doe Date of birth: 27/1/59 Record number: 123456 - anchor: &crew2 | Name: Jane Doe Date of birth: 22/2/72 Record number: 654321
- anchor: &e2log | # Output Espanso log $e2 = 'C:\Users\Cam\AppData\Local\Programs\Espanso\espansod.exe' &$e2 log | Out-File -FilePath $env:TEMP\tmp.log $Array = Get-Content -Path $env:TEMP\tmp.log [array]::Reverse($Array) $Length = $Array.count $Line = 1 $1..$Length | ForEach-Object {$Array[-$Line]; $Line++}
- anchor: &e2log10 | # Output last 10 lines of Espanso log $Array = Get-Content -Path $env:LocalAppData\espanso\espanso.log -Tail 10 $Length = $Array.count $Line = 1 $1..$Length | ForEach-Object {$Array[-$Line]; $Line++}
# An anchor can be used to reference a file containing a PowerShell script# Here the reference is to a script (not included) used to list installed apps# Such a script (and more) can be found at - anchor: &listapps | & d:\temp\ps_listapps.ps1
- anchor: "estr | $raw = Get-Clipboard Write-Host ("""$raw""")
- anchor: &tempconv | # Conversion functions from function Convert-CelsiusToFahrenheit { param ( [double]$celsius ) $fahrenheit = ($celsius * 9/5) + 32 return $fahrenheit } function Convert-FahrenheitToCelsius { param ( [double]$fahrenheit ) $celsius = ($fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9 return $celsius } $tmp = {{tmp}} $f = Convert-CelsiusToFahrenheit -celsius $tmp $f = [math]::Round($f, 2) $c = Convert-FahrenheitToCelsius -fahrenheit $tmp $c = [math]::Round($c, 2) $result = switch ("{{unit}}") { "c" {Write-Host $tmp{c =}$f{f}; break} "f" {Write-Host $tmp{f =}$c{c}; break} default {Write-Host "Correctly formatted entry not detected"; break} }
- anchor: &wordcount | $filePath = "D:\temp\test.bat" $stats = Get-Content $filePath | Measure-Object -Word -Line -Character "Words: $($stats.Words); Lines: $($stats.Lines); Characters: $($stats.Characters)"
- regex: !tempconv (?P<tmp>[+-]\d+)(?P<unit>[cf]) # Run PowerShell script to perform temperature conversion # Regex trigger responds to keyboard entries such as -3c or +100f replace: '{{output}}' label: Temperature conversion with PowerShell vars: - name: output type: script params: args: [C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe, -Command, *tempconv]
- trigger: ':crew' form: '[[crew]]' form_fields: crew: type: choice values: - *crew1 - *crew2 default: *crew2
- trigger: 'e2log' # Use shell extension to get Espanso log forwards - latest at bottom replace: '{{output}}' word: true vars: - name: output type: script params: args: [C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe, -Command, *e2log]
- trigger: 'e2log10' # Run PowerShell script to get last 10 lines of Espanso log using shell extension replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: script params: args: [C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe, -Command, *e2log10]
- trigger: ':listapps' replace: '{{output}}' label: PowerShell test vars: - name: output type: script params: args: [C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe, -Command, *listapps]
- trigger: ':quotestr' replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: script params: args: [C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe, -Command, *quotestr]
- trigger: ':wordcount' replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: script params: args: [C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe, -Command, *wordcount]
4.3 CMD batch files
# EspansoEdit 1.9.7 Cookbook - 4.3 CMD batch files
- trigger: ':inln' # Example of inline use of batch commands replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: shell params: cmd: > cmd /v:on /c "echo. & echo ***DIR*** & echo. & dir *.*"
- trigger: ':ipc' # Another example of inline use of batch commands replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: output type: shell params: cmd: > cmd /v:on /c "echo. & echo ***DIR*** & echo. & dir *.* & echo. & echo ***IPCONFIG*** & ipconfig"
- trigger: ':bfm' # Example of form entry with batch commands replace: '{{output}}' vars: - name: 'form1' type: form params: layout: 'Enter a number with at least 4 digits: [[anum]]' - name: 'output' type: 'shell' params: cmd: > cmd /v:on /c "echo. & echo ***Last 3 digits of your number*** & set input={{form1.anum}} & set result=!input:~-4! & echo !result!"