Convert menu
The Convert menu includes options for conversion from other text expander programs. For each program, an export file is required. The format of the file varies between programs.
The convert function acts on an export file to generate an Espanso match file. For each match, there will be a trigger and replacement text. A label will also be created if found in the exported file.
Convert from aBreevy8
An aBreevy8 BVY export file is required. This is file with XML format which contains 8 fields. Only 3 of the fields are used during conversion.
Convert from aText
An aText CSV export file is required. This contains 31 fields, although only 3 are used during conversion.
Convert from Beeftext
A Beeftext CSV export file is required. This contains 3 fields, all of which are used during conversion.
Convert from PhraseExpander
A TextExpander CSV export file is required. This contains 5 fields, although only 3 are used during conversion.
Convert from PhraseExpress
The Convert menu does not include an entry for PhraseExpress. This is because PhraseExpress exports to a binary format that is only suitable for use in another copy of PhraseExpress. Export to another text expander would require use of an automation tool to create a script that could copy match elements from the PhraseExpress window.
Convert from TextBlaze
A TextExpander JSON export file is required. This contains 5 fields, although only 3 are used during conversion.
Convert from TextExpander
A TextExpander CSV export file is required. This contains 3 fields, all of which are used during conversion.